Maanasi Events
The “Maanasi Model” has been recognised by the World Health Organisation (W.H.O) as one of the models for providing mental health care in developing nations.
We are seeking following options
Partnership, Sponsorship, Contributions and Donations
Individual Partners
All citizens and individuals can donate any amount in the multiple of Rs. 1,000/= or USD 100/= toward “The Rotary Bangalore Midtown Trust a/c Project Maanasi or The Rotary Club of Howard West Foundation - Details for contribution are in the “Donation” section of the website.
Corporate Partners
Adopting one and more “Maanasi Clinics” by contributing funds to cover all onetime infrastructure expenses and recurring annual expenses for one or more “Maanasi Clinics” from their CSR funds.
Technology Partners
Contribute funds, equipment and technical expertise for Computing Systems, Printer, Mobile Phones, Tablet Computers, Video Conferencing Systems, Networking Systems, Software Applications, and yearly operational expenses for one or more “Maanasi Clinics’ from their CSR funds and activities.
Medicine Contribution Partners
Providing required medicines for one or more “Maanasi Clinics” on an annual basis.
Hospital Partners
Partner with St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore and Dr. Geetha Jayaram and extend the reach of “Project Maanasi” to distant locations in India and other countries in the developing world. The partner is to provide free trained doctor care services to the project on long term basis.